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Monday, May 28, 2007

Yeah! It's that time again. BLOG TIME! We have had a busy week 'n a bit but now it's time to post the bit of progress on the story. Just two images this time, but there will be more soon. I've also been working on a little series of pics for Eli's room, so I will post the progress on those as well. So much to do...


Matt Schuler said...


This upcoming project is really picking up some steam! Great job on ALL the images on here. I know I have been a 'terrible' friend and haven't commented on your work as much as I should, but I felt that I'd try to make up for it by posting more comments on your blog (and eventually linking you on my blog)


flipstudios said...

first time on your blog and its just wonderful. great colors. i really like the illustration of the boy and the dragon. great work.

Miss Dishy said...

Bwah Bwah ha!! I just came up with the BEST story.... I rule. RULE. Tee hee. How are things? Glad to see more work up!

Unknown said...

COlorful lovely illo!!